7 Characteristics of Debt-Free Living – Post 413

anchorEpisode 6 – 7 Characteristics of Debt-Free Living

Today let’s look at another attitude of broke people, “I Earned This.”

People that feel like they earned it tell themselves that debt is ok because “I work hard, I deserve it,” or maybe they think “you’re only young once.” And a big killer that drives people into debt  is “but we’re on vacation.” That one has made the “Happiest Place on Earth, the Land of the Mouse” a lot of money.

Let’s talk about 7 Characteristics of Debt-Free Living and maybe that will motivate you to overcome the “I earned it excuses.”

Let’s take a look at two families.

Family #1 manages to pay off $40,000 in debt in two years on a $35,000 annual income.

Family #2 makes $100,000 a year but can’t seem to make the slightest dent in the same amount of debt.

One of these families is on their way to becoming debt-free. The other is making the same mistakes they have been for years.

Why is that?

You know there’s many factors that could be in play here, one of the most likely reasons is the second family has created a habit of overspending. They earn a great income, but they probably spend beyond their budget, which leaves them with less money and causes a lot of tension around the house. That’s a difficult and stressful way to live and I’m sure a lot of us can relate to it.

The people who overcome that stress realize they have to handle money differently and make some lifestyle changes. When they make those adjustments, they begin to establish certain characteristics that are super important when it comes to becoming debt-free and staying that way. Personal finance is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent head knowledge.

So, what are some of the behaviors of people who are becoming debt-free?

1. They Are Countercultural

Despite normal convention, these people realize debt isn’t a tool. Society tells us “you have to have a credit card to survive,” “you can’t go to college without student loans,” and “you’ll always have a car payment.” But those who are experiencing debt-free living don’t buy into these norms. Credit cards aren’t necessary for their everyday lives. Car payments don’t take a chunk of money from their budgets. They treat debt like leftovers they find at the back of their fridge. Whether it’s debt or week-old meatloaf, they get rid of it! Debt is normal. So be weird!

2. They Use Self-Control

Adults make a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good. Someone who really wants to get out of debt has the willpower to walk right past the shoe section or the flat-screen TV aisle without making an impulse purchase. They aren’t swayed to buy something simply because it’s on sale that day. They are wise enough to know, purchasing something isn’t going to erase all their problems and make them feel better. They know not to buy those things unless they can pay cash. They are willing to wait, work and save.

3. They Are Confident

A person who believes in their money plan doesn’t care what others think of them. They’re fine with driving an older car, because it doesn’t have a payment. They don’t need to take expensive vacations just to post a glamorous photo on social media. They actually look at price tags and not only at brand names. Why? Because they have given up on trying to keep up with the Joneses.

And guess what? This kind of steadfast discipline frees up more money to attack their debts. With each debt they pay off, their confidence grows by leaps and bounds.

4. They Are Goal-Driven

No-brainer, right? Debt-free living is a goal, so people who want to accomplish it keep that objective in front of them. They set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and have an expiration date. They determine what they want to do and map out their strategy to make it happen.

5. They Are Gazelle Intense

If you’ve takenFinancial Peace University or if you have heard Dave Ramsey on the radio, you probably remember Dave talking about gazelle intensity. That’s when you are so fed up with debt you run as fast as you can (like a gazelle) in the opposite direction. This means they are looking to squeeze every single dollar they can from their budget. They are couponing, looking for sales at every turn, and even working a side hustle. They are all in.

Looking for a side hustle to help you reach your financial goals sooner? I can show you how to start your own business no up-front investment, no pyramid that requires a monthly autoshipment costing you money instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions. Stay tuned to the end and I will share with you how to learn more.

6. They Are Not Materialistic

Someone who is materialistic places too much emphasis on “stuff.” They borrow up to their eyeballs to pay for their vacation, car and oversized house. The person who is determined to get out of debt knows money doesn’t buy happiness, so they don’t fall into the trap of wanting as much stuff as they can get. They have become content with what they have and aren’t seeking to buy their happiness.

7. They Are Willing to Make Sacrifices

Eating out, going to movies every week, and getting the premium cable package—these are the types of things a person might have to avoid while becoming debt-free. But keep in mind: Budget cuts are just temporary. Once the debt is gone, there is more room in the budget for those dinner-and-a-movie dates.

Want to Be Debt-Free? You Can Do This!

When you take a closer look at debt, you start to see it for what it is—something that holds you back. Once you see that, it’s easier to be patient, make sacrifices, and feel confident in your ability to pay it off. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying debt-free living too!

Now is the best time to start taking control of your money! I’ll be covering many topics to teach and encourage saving and debt freedom. Be sure to subscribe to my blog at ProsperityRx.com or to my podcast ProsperityRx to learn how to save money, make a budget, pay off your debt, reduce your taxes and invest for your future.

Also if you want to learn more about how to create extra income by starting a home business that requires no start up capital, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions visit http://AIMHighForSuccess.com.

Start Today!

10 Reasons People Stay in Debt – Post 412

anchorEpisode 5 – 10 Reasons People Stay in Debt

In our last podcast we talked about 10 budgeting Myths and setting goals. Today let’s talk about another budgeting myth poor people believe, “Debt’s Not So Bad, Right?”

If you are like me I’m sure you heard folks say, “If everyone stopped borrowing money, the economy would fail.” Of course that’s not true.

A) Everyone’s not going to stop borrowing and

B) the massive amount of debt this society carries could actually BE the cause of an economic meltdown.

I’ve also heard folks say, “I must be able to afford it if I was approved for the loan.” Folks, all the credit card companies and other lenders care is that you are paying them that high interest payment. And yes even a 5 or 6% interest payment is high when you consider how little these same institutions pay you for your savings, if you even have a savings account.

And my favorite is, “I need a house payment for tax purposes.” You’re paying way more in interest than you are ever saving in tax deductions.

Have you decided to get out of debt? Are you drowning in last year’s expenses and tired of paying for the past instead of planning for the future?

You’re probably sick and tired of being sick and tired. You might even be angry at being in debt. Eventually, the stress of too many bills and the burden of debt piling up pushed you to your breaking point. Something inside “clicks,” and you decided it’s time to make a fresh start.

But what keeps people from getting out of debt? Why would someone want to stay in debt instead of living in freedom? Sadly, there are all sorts of reasons people choose that shiny credit card instead of being debt-free. Don’t fall for any of these!

Let’s talk about some Reasons People Stay in Debt

1. They want to keep up appearances.

This is the dreaded “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality. But little do you know, the Joneses have a leased BMW, an underwater mortgage, and an unwelcome visitor named Sallie Mae living in their basement. The Joneses are the most broke people in your neighborhood! And if you’re not careful, you’ll be following them into bankruptcy by trying to keep up with them.

If you have trouble with constantly falling into the comparison trap, consider some sound advice from best-selling author Rachel Cruze. In her book Love Your Life, Not Theirs, she shows you how to quit playing the comparison game, how to think before you actually spend money, and how to start saving like you truly mean it. Pretty soon you’ll be so caught up in your own life you’ll find yourself saying, “The Joneses who?”

2. Reason People Stay in Debt: They don’t think they make enough money.

Most of the time, it’s not someone’s salary that’s the problem—it’s their behavior. Spending more money than you make will cause you to stay in debt. That’s why we say it’s so important to budget.

Budgeting can help you see where your money is going every month and where you can cut back. Simply making a budget and being intentional with your money will make you feel like you got a raise!

That’s not to say income doesn’t play a large role in why people stay in debt. Sometimes it really is an income issue. If that’s the case for you, start doing things to bring in extra cash! Get a part-time job on nights or weekends and sell everything that’s been collecting dust in your garage. Or maybe it’s time to get bold enough to ask for a raise or put your resume out there and start looking for a higher paying job.

I can show you how to start your own business to get out of debt with no up-front investment, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment costing you money instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions. Stay tuned to the end and I will share with you how to learn more.

3. Reason People Stay in Debt: They are Unwilling to Sacrifice.

How could you possibly give up eating out three nights a week? Or what would your life look like without cable? You’ll never know until you’re willing to give something up in order to build a legacy for your future. If you’re in a lot of debt, something in your lifestyle has to change. Here’s a question to ask yourself: What am I willing to temporarily give up?

4. Reason People Stay in Debt: They have No Hope.

When you’re buried under thousands of dollars of debt, it’s easy to feel like there’s no way out. After making minimum payments month after month and seeing little or no headway, sometimes you feel like you’ll never see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you can’t find a reason to keep up the fight, sooner or later you’ll probably just throw in the towel.

Some people stay in debt because they’re too afraid to make a move. Debt can be comfortable, kind of like slowly cooking in a pot of boiling water. If you’ve always used a credit card and you’ve always had a car payment, I remember thinking years ago, “I’m always going to have a car payment, I might as well get a new car every year or so.” Boy does it feel so much better today to have a paid for car and not have that payment over my head every month.

Sometimes it’s hard to make that change.  Sure, trying to pay off all of what looks like a mountain of debt can be scary and overwhelming. But remember this: Millions of people have gotten out of debt and changed their lives by following Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps like we did. You can do this!

5. Reason People Stay in Debt: They’re addicted to stuff. They suffer from Stuffitis

In other words, they’ve bought into the myth that you are what you own—and they simply can’t get enough. The more they have, the more powerful and confident they feel. But it’s all fake. They can’t afford that stuff and it’s going to weigh them down. At some point their addiction to debt will cause a financial heart attack.

Our culture has twisted what it means to actually be able to afford something. Society echoes, “If you can ‘afford’ the minimum payment, then go ahead and buy it!” That’s just ridiculous, and it’s a sure ticket to financial regret. You’ll end up spending more on monthly payments to pay it off than if you would have just bought it outright! Instead, don’t buy things you can’t pay for in cash.

6. Reason People Stay in Debt: They don’t make it a priority.

They keep putting it off thinking, I’ll start a budget next month. But each month passes by and guess what? Still no budget. Paying off debt isn’t exactly a fun pastime. It takes a lot of work! We know changing your lifestyle is uncomfortable, but the end result is, it is 100% worth it. Make it a priority!

7. Reason People Stay in Debt: Their spouse isn’t on the same page.

Money and relationships can be tricky territory, especially when a couple isn’t seeing eye to eye. Maybe one of you is fully committed to becoming debt-free and the other isn’t quite convinced that debt is all that bad anyway. If you really want to get out of debt, you and your spouse have to be on the same page with the same vision for your future.

And remember, it’s not “my” money or “their” money—it’s our money. Once you get married, your vocabulary needs to change. You’re on the same team, and it’s time to start acting like it.

The same goes for your debt. It’s not “his credit card debt” or “her student loans,” it’s your collective debt together. And if you want to get rid of it, you need to tackle it as a united front.

8. Reason People Stay in Debt: They aren’t managing their money.

According to a survey by U.S. Bank, only 41% of Americans follow a budget.(1)

No wonder so many people feel like they’re spinning their wheels getting out of debt! If you don’t have a monthly budget, you don’t really have a plan for your money. You aren’t telling your money where to go, so it’s going out the window!

Managing your money means more than just tracking your expenses after they’ve already happened. You have to prepare ahead. There is a free budgeting app, EveryDollar, from the Lampo Group that you can find in your smartphone app store that makes it super easy to create a budget. You’ll finally wave goodbye to stressing out about your money once you actually take control of it.

9. Reason People Stay in Debt: They haven’t cut up their credit cards.

Getting out of debt is amazing. But if you keep those credit cards around for a rainy day or “emergency,” you’ll likely land yourself back in debt again. Just don’t do it. Cut them up, close the accounts, and be done with them forever. If you follow our plan, your emergency fund is your safety net—not credit cards.

10. Reason People Stay in Debt: They don’t know how.

These people have good intentions—they want to kick debt to the curb—but they don’t know how. They’ve been in debt so long that getting out from under $50,000 in credit card bills seems impossible. But it isn’t. People call The Dave Ramsey Show every day to tell about their debt-free victories.

Getting out of debt isn’t easy. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline. But it is not impossible. All you need is a plan.

In Dave Ramsey’s book, Financial Peace he introduces the debt snowball method as a simple plan for helping you get out of debt. Start by listing out all your debts from smallest to largest. Keep paying the minimum payments on everything except the lowest debt—we want you to attack that one with a vengeance! Once it’s gone and out of your life forever, take the amount you were paying on it and roll that over to your next debt on the list. It might not seem logical to start with the smallest debt and work your way up. It might seem more logical to start with the highest interest rate first. Trust me! By starting with the lowest debt first, when you pay off that smaller debt the feeling of victory and accomplishment motivates you to keep going. So what if it might on paper take a couple extra months. When doing it the other way, most people never finish, they give up, the feeling of hopelessness squashes all the motivation they had in the beginning when they started.

People are making the decision to get out of debt and change their lives every day. They’re making sacrifices so they can live like no one else! Are you next? Take control of your finances—and your life—by deciding to get out of debt for good!

Now is the best time to start taking control of your money! I’ll be covering many topics to teach and encourage saving and debt freedom. Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and my blog at ProsperityRx.com to learn how to save money, make a budget, pay off your debt, reduce your taxes and invest for your future.

Also if you want to learn more about how to create extra income by starting a home business that requires no startup capital, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melts away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions that you see all over social media visit http://AIMHighForSuccess.com.

Start Today!

I’ll see you on the next podcast

10 Budgeting Myths and Setting Goals – Post 411

anchorEpisode 4 – 10 Budgeting Myths and Setting Goals

On our last post we looked at the group of excuses called “Family Comes First Excuses.” I encourage you if you haven’t listened yet to go back and do so.

Today let’s look at the “I’ll Do It Later (I Promise) Excuses.” Some of the most common attitudes toward getting out of debt that procrastinators think is

  1. We’ll pay it off when the tax return comes in.
  2. I’ll start my budget next month.
  3. I’ll worry about the future when it gets here.

We’ve all procrastinated when it comes to getting our financial house in order. The key to do it successfully is by creating a budget. However you’ve probably heard a lot of trash talk about budgeting over the years. Or maybe you tried budgeting in the past and didn’t stick with it each month. But don’t judge budgeting until you hear me out!

Having a budget is essential to helping you beat debt and win with money. It’s the map you need follow to get where you want to go in your journey. First I want to debunk some of the top budgeting myths so you can start winning with money. Then I want to show you how setting some goals can get you the motivation to overcome procrastination.

Let’s start with 10 Budgeting Myths You Might Be Falling For

1. I don’t have time to budget.

If you’re not doing a budget because you don’t think you have the time, consider taking a fresh look at your priorities. You might be surprised at how many “things” you could let go of in order to get your finances back in shape. You know, those things that really aren’t as important as taking control of your money.

It’s true that you might spend a few hours a month mapping out your expenses when you first start budgeting. But after those first few months, it’s pretty much smooth sailing! You’re simply plugging in numbers and letting math do the rest.

The Budgeting Myth is Making a budget is difficult and I hate math.

Speaking of math, this isn’t rocket science. If you can do basic third-grade math, you can make a budget. Your income minus your outgo needs to equal zero. That’s it!

Seriously, hating math is a pretty lame excuse. Instead of hating math, why not hate being in debt? Don’t stay away from the budget because “math is too hard?” It’s not. There is a free budgeting app EveryDollar from the Lampo Group that you can get from the app store on your smart phone that does the math for you!

The third Budgeting Myth Budgeting is boring.

You’d be amazed at how many people don’t make a budget every month because they think it’s boring. You know what else is boring? Credit card statements. And collector calls. And bankruptcy court . . . actually, all of that is pretty awful.

If you’re a free spirit when it comes to budgeting, stop and take a breath. You can do this! Once you get the hang of it, making a budget isn’t bad at all. And as time goes by, you might even find it a little fun. Imagine that! Get your spreadsheet-loving, planner of a spouse or friend to help give you that extra push.

Budgeting is key to helping you get out of debt. And being debt-free? Now that’s fun.

The fourth Budgeting Myth I can do a budget in my head.

If you can seriously do a zero-based budget in your head every single month, we’ll assume you’re the most brilliant person on the planet. Could you please help our government make a budget?

A budget in your head isn’t a budget. It’s just a kinda-sorta-vague-idea-of-what’s-being-spent thing. For a budget to work, it needs to be something you can track. And if you’re married and doing a budget in your head, that means only one of you is involved in the decision making—and that’s a definite no-no! You need to be working together.

The fifth Budgeting Myth I budget by keeping track of everything I spend.

That’s a start, but it’s not a budget. When you only track spending, you’re always looking at the past and never looking forward.

Your budget is your game plan for the upcoming month. You’re planning what you’ll do with the money you haven’t spent yet. When you keep receipts or use your online bank statements to see what you spent last month, you’re doing just that—looking at last month.

You need to plan for your future spending while looking at your past spending, not just one or the other. If you’re already tracking your spending, the budget is just a natural next step.

Number 6. A budget is too restrictive.

You don’t want to give up your Saturday morning coffee and bagel at the corner café, we get it. Don’t worry! You can keep your weekly caffeine and bagel combo, just put it in the budget.

What does that mean? When you create your monthly budget, be sure to include things you enjoy. Budget for that weekend treat, Friday night takeout, or trip to the movies. Having a budget doesn’t mean you can’t have fun anymore. Believe it or not, a budget actually gives you the freedom, the permission to spend your money!

Number 7. There are always unexpected expenses, so why bother to budget?

Sure, things can come up unexpectedly. But that doesn’t mean your budget has to suffer because of it! In our experience, things aren’t always as “unexpected” as they seem. You know your friend’s baby shower is coming up next month, you know when your car registration is due, and you know Christmas is in December every year. Be sure to plan for those type of things in your budget.

And if you find you really, truly keep having unexpected costs to cover, add a “miscellaneous” category in your budget. Use it as the catch all you can dip into when something unexpected arises. Just remember not to abuse it.

8. Budgeting means I can’t go out to eat anymore. I hate cooking!

You hate cooking? Join the club! First of all, the rumors are true. You can actually eat at home without having to cook. Keep a rotation of PB&J, soup, tuna and salad on hand, and you’ll be set! But really, it’s worth it to learn how to cook a few good meals. Pro tip: The slow cooker is your friend.

Having a budget doesn’t mean you never set foot in a restaurant again. You just have to budget for it. Add a date night or girls’ night out line item to your budget. Add a column for Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A and everything in between if you want to. The point is, just make sure you have room for it in the budget before you spend any money there.

9. It’s not the right time for me.

Is it ever going to be the right and most optimal time? Not really. Something will always come up. That’s life.

Are you putting off starting a budget just because you have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Don’t let that be your excuse! If anything, you need a budget now more than ever.

A budget helps you figure out how much you want to spend on the gifts and festivities. Sure, every month will look different, but here’s the great thing: You know the date of those holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. They don’t ever change! Put them in your budget months in advance so you can start saving.

10. I make plenty of money . . . I don’t need a budget.

If you think doing a budget is only for people who have trouble making ends meet, think again. We’ve been making a budget every month since he we started nearly 20 years ago. It doesn’t matter if you have $100 to your name or if you’re a millionaire—you need to tell your money where to go. Everyone needs a budget!

I hate that so many people fall for these budgeting myths and excuses, but you don’t have to be one of them! You have the power to take control of your money, all you need to do is take the first step.

If you need some extra motivation, try setting a financial goal. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do. Go on, let yourself daydream a little. Is it skydiving? Going back to school? Starting your own business? Backpacking across Europe with your best friend? Getting a dog?

Whatever it is, now is the time to end all procrastination. Too many people waste their time thinking about something they want to do, but very few people actually do it. Don’t let yourself become another sad statistic of someone not being motivated enough to pursue their goal.

Excuses Are Enemies

Think about what’s stopping you from chasing your dream. Is it fear? Are you afraid you’ll take a chance and fail?

Maybe it’s money. Are you so worried about money that you let it push your dreams to the side?

A lot of people use time as an excuse. We’re all busy, and it’s no secret that Americans are getting even busier and have problems saying no.

But you can’t let any of the excuses put a halt on your goals. If you want something bad enough, you will make the time to turn your dreams into realities. Figure out what’s stopping you from pursuing your goal, and determine a way to get around that.

Here are five steps to take your aspiration from a pipe dream to a page in your personal history book.

  1. Create a plan.

Remember what stopped you from pursuing your goal until now? Well, come up with a plan to not let that reason stop you anymore. Whatever the issue, having a plan in place will give you the confidence boost you need to actually make this happen!

  1. Do your research.

Get advice from others who have done what you want to do. Learn from their mistakes. Read books from and about them. Having lots of information before you head into something is always a great way to be prepared.

  1. Be realistic.

Some people have a dream of traveling across the globe in a year or hiking to the top of Kilimanjaro. Although it’s great to have goals, you need to make sure your dreams are doable for you within the time frame you have set. You should still challenge yourself and not make your goals so easy that there’s no motivation or sacrifice involved.

  1. Cover the financial aspect.
    Of course we’re going to tell you to do a budget! Dreams can cost money. Whether it’s $300 for a flight lesson or $5,000 for an Italian getaway, money is a crucial factor. Write up a plan for your moneyto make sure you have what you need to chase your goal.

Need to generate extra cash to reach your goal sooner? I can show you the method that I used to generate more income to pay cash for a used Cadillac CTS when we needed to get a better car. We did it by starting a home based business. I can show you how to start your own business with no up-front investment, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment costing you money instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions. Stay tuned to the end and I will share with you how to learn more.

5. Take a chance and go for it!

This step can be the hardest one to do because fears are holding you back. But if you’ve followed the previous four steps, you’re ready! Now it’s time to make it happen. Don’t talk yourself out of this dream. Life involves risks, but when you’ve planned ahead, those risks are a little less scary to take.

Once you’ve mastered these five steps, you will soon be marking off your dream from your bucket list. Perhaps it will even inspire you to dream up more goals for yourself! Conquer whatever it is that’s stopping you and achieve new results.

Now is the best time to start taking control of your money! I’ll be covering many topics to teach and encourage saving and debt freedom. Be sure to subscribe to my blog at ProsperityRx.com or to my podcast ProsperityRx to learn how to save money, make a budget, pay off your debt, reduce your taxes and invest for your future.

Also if you want to learn more about how to create extra income by starting a home business that requires no startup capital, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions visit http://AIMHighForSuccess.com. Start Today!

How to Make Getting Out of Debt Fun for the Family – Post 410

anchorEpisode 3 – How to Make Getting Out of Debt Fun for the Family

On our last post we looked at the group of excuses called “Cars are the Exception to Debt Excuses.” SO today let’s dive a little deeper into the, “Family Comes First Excuses.” Just to review, here are the 3 most common “Family Comes First Excuses.”

  1. Whatever you want, dear.
  2. I just want my kids to have it better than I did.
  3. But that new RV will help our family bond.

So let’s look at How to Make Getting Out of Debt Fun for the Whole Family

You’ve had it—you’re finally ready to say “hasta la vista” to debt. But how can you get the rest of the family on board? The journey to debt freedom is going to be a long one, and you’ll need all the support you can get.

Every family handles the journey differently. Here are three important steps you can take once you’ve decided to get out of debt. Now schedule a family meeting, hit these three points, and get to work.

1. Communicate the why

You may be surprised how often people skip this part—but it’s the first step! If you cut the cable and unlimited data plans without telling your spouse or your kids what’s happening—and explaining why—you might be in for World War III when you get home. Communicate first.

Hopefully you and your spouse are already on the same page. But if you’re not, sit down and talk about why you want to get out of debt. Dream together about what life will look like when you don’t owe anything to anyone. Will you save for a new car? Go on a dream vacation to Italy? Build a school in an impoverished community?

If your kids are old enough to understand work and money, loop them into the discussion. Don’t let this educational opportunity pass. Use it as a chance to teach them about the power of money—and how to set tangible, long-term goals. You might be surprised by just how much they’re paying attention.

2. Set benchmarks

The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Getting out of debt may take six months—or six years. The average family that goes through Dave Ramsey’s, Financial Peace University (FPU), is debt-free except for their house in 18 months. But let’s face it: you didn’t get all that debt overnight, so you’re not going to get rid of it overnight either.

Avoid burnout by celebrating small wins throughout the journey. Those little victories help you keep the process rolling. Say you owe $60,000 in student loans. Instead of waiting to celebrate until it’s all paid off, plan small victory laps along the way. Maybe every time you shave off $5,000, you go out to dinner or take the kids to a movie.

Don’t go over the top—this isn’t permission to take a trip to Disney World each time you make another payment. But breaking a big goal into small benchmarks will keep you energized and motivated. Those little wins add up!

3. Work as a team

There’s power in numbers, which means you’ll get more done if you work together—as a team. The Belgian draft horse, one of the largest, strongest horses in the world, can pull a hefty 8,000 pounds on its own. But when you pair it with another horse, they can pull upwards of 24,000 pounds—three times as much as one can pull on its own.

Moral of the story? If you want to get further faster, work as a team. This is especially true if you’re climbing out of debt with your spouse. Keep in mind—the enemy is debt, not your spouse. So schedule monthly budget meetings. Cheer each other on. Offer regular encouragement. You’re in this together!

You won’t get out of debt overnight, but the journey will be easier—and more fun—if you communicate, set benchmarks, and work as a team. Get the kids involved! And let your friends and family know what you’re doing. You never know how your story could change someone else’s family tree.

Now is the best time to start taking control of your money! I’ll be covering many topics to teach and encourage saving and debt freedom. Be sure to subscribe to my blog at ProsperityRx.com or to my podcast ProsperityRx to learn how to save money, make a budget, pay off your debt, reduce your taxes and invest for your future.

Also if you want to learn more about how to create extra income to get out of debt, to create extra income by starting a home business that requires no startup capital, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions visit http://AIMHighForSuccess.com.

Start Today!


10 Car Buying Tips – Post 409

anchorEpisode 2 – 10 Car Buying Tips

In our last episode we talked about the, “But I just can’t save excuses.”  SO today let’s take a look at the, “Cars are the Exception for Debt Excuses.” Two of the most common myths about “Cars are the Exception” that folks have include the idea that Old cars just aren’t as safe and buying used is just inheriting someone else’s problems.

Buying a car is a big financial decision, and one you shouldn’t just rush through over the course of a weekend. It has everything to do with where you are in your financial plan. I have been buying used cars now for 20 years now without any problems. The last used car that I bought was in 2013 when I paid cash for a Cadillac CTS. Five years later I now have 200,000 miles on that car and I still absolutely love it. The key is to start your research with these 10 car buying tips to help you find an affordable car that also fits your lifestyle.

1. Figure out your car budget

Let’s start with a bit of a reality check: new cars drop in value like a bag of rocks, losing 60% of their value in the first five years!(1) This isn’t a smart investment. You really should only consider buying new if you have plenty of money to burn.

With that out of the way, your first step is deciding what you can afford to pay for your car. Leasing a car and going into debt to buy one are both bad ideas, so what you can afford is based on the amount of cash you can pay up front.

If you don’t have the funds for a used or certified pre-owned car right away, you’ll have to make room in your budget to set money aside some money each month. Figure out where in your budget you can get by on less, and then how much you can afford to put toward your car fund.

Remember, leasing or financing a car will not help you build wealth. It’s much easier to save around $500 a month (the average car payment) for 10 months and buy a used car with no strings attached. Do you really want to sign up for a payment plan and pay thousands of extra dollars for several years?

In fact I can show you the method that I used to generate more income so I could pay cash for that used Cadillac CTS when we needed to get a better car. We did it by starting a home based business. I can show you how to start your own business with no up-front investment, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment costing you money instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions that we see all over Facebook every day. Stay tuned to the end and I will share with you how to learn more.

2. Narrow down your choices

Once you’ve decided on a price, start looking at cars that fit your budget. There are plenty of ways to find used cars in your area. Your local dealership likely has a website for you to view the cars they have in stock. And you can do like I did when I bought that Cadillac. I went to Craigslist. Check sites like Craigslist to see what other cars are on the market.

Narrow down your options to a few cars that fit your price range and needs. Consider factors such as safety, speed, gas mileage, comfort, and how it handles in bad weather. Just because something is a good fit for your wallet doesn’t mean it will work for your lifestyle.

And if a car you love is a little above your budget, go ahead and include it on your list. As a cash buyer, you’ll have the power to negotiate a better price.

3. Do your research before buying a car

When you find a car you like, it’s time to do some research. Look up the Kelley Blue Book value of the vehicle to make sure the price is fair for that year and model.

You should also check each vehicle’s history report. This will tell you the accident history, repair information, potential recalls, and other important information about the car.

Simply request the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from the seller and use a website like VehicleHistory.com or Carfax.com to research the car’s history.

Some sites charge for the information they provide. And while paid reports are more comprehensive, free reports will alert you to any major red flags. Some car dealerships or private sellers will also provide a report if you ask. Either way, it’s worth a check. If you get a good deal but end up in the shop every week for maintenance, you’ll spend more money in the long run.

4. Get a car insurance quote

By now, you should have a handful of potential cars that check out history-wise and fit within your budget. But it’s not enough to be able to pay for the car—you’ll also need to make sure you can pay for the insurance that comes with it.

Talk to your current insurance agent about running a few quotes for the cars you have in mind. If the price is too steep, don’t be afraid to consult an independent agent for more options.

Online insurance quote generators can be helpful, but you’ll get a better deal by talking to an insurance agent on the phone or in person. You might even be eligible for discounts you didn’t know existed!

5. Now for the fun part: Take the car for a test drive!

Know exactly what you want before you even step foot in a dealership. And keep an eye out for their upselling tactics! If the dealership doesn’t have the car you want but has a budget-breaking similar model with a new sound system and heated seats, it’s still not the right car for you.

Once you’re ready to get behind the wheel for your test drive, choose a route that allows you to experience different types of driving. The way a car handles on the highway will be different than how it drives in the city. Pay attention to anything that seems odd. Does the car rattle when you go over a bump? Are there any weird noises? These details will help you out in the next step.

6. Get a car inspection

Before you spend a dollar on a used car, take it to a mechanic for a full inspection. Sellers can lie when there’s money on the line. While the car might look and feel fine when you take it around the block, you never know what could be going on under the hood.

Don’t feel awkward about asking for an inspection. This is a routine part of the car-buying process. If the seller is hesitant or gets upset about your request, they probably have something to hide.

7. Wait for the best time to buy a car

According to AutoTrader, the best times to buy a car are at the end of the month, during holiday weekend sales, and at the end of each quarter.(3) So plan for some time around March, June, September, and December. The United Services Automobile Association (USAA) recommends going later in the day and during the week to get an even better deal.

Dealerships are usually hoping to reach their year-end goals, which motivates them to slash prices and move cars before the end of the year.

During the late summer, a lot of dealerships want to sell as many cars as possible to clear space for newer vehicles. Again, you’ll want to go later in the month to ensure you are getting the best price possible.

It may seem like a simple tip for buying a car, but waiting for the right time to buy a car can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, on the final sales price.

8. Always negotiate

You’re at an advantage here for two reasons: You’ve done your research, and you’re paying cash. Give the seller a price you’re willing to pay for the car. This price should be lower than what you’re actually willing to pay so there’s room for you and the seller to meet in the middle.

Negotiation is all about the attitude. You have to act like you’re willing to walk away from this car if the seller doesn’t come down in price. If a dealer senses for even a second that you really want a certain car, you won’t get a good deal.

It also helps to see if another third party or dealership is selling the same car for a better price, and bring that to the table. If you get a deal from one seller and take that dollar amount to another seller, they may come down on the cost. If you pay with cash on top of that, you can get an even better deal!

9. Forget the extras

Don’t pay for things that you don’t really need like a racing stripe, special detailing, and especially extended warranties. A warranty is not a necessary expense if you have your full emergency fund in place. That alone will cover any costs you have if the car breaks or has problems.

If you change your mind and want to purchase extras down the line, you can always contact the dealership to negotiate a price. That gives you time to decide which features you really want and which would just be a luxury.

10. Two are better than one

If you need support when you’re ready to buy a car, take a friend or family member who can help steer you in the right direction. They can also help you remember details about the car that the seller tells you, which can help you make a decision. And bring someone who knows a lot about cars if you don’t have much experience with buying and negotiating a car deal.

Bonus car buying tip: cars don’t equal happiness

Remember, the purpose of a vehicle is to get you from point A to point B, not to prove your social status to the world. As tempting as it is to hit the road in a car you can’t afford, it’s more likely to be a burden than a blessing—especially if it’s not in your budget.

Chances are, your car isn’t the first thing you think about in the morning or when you go to bed at night. The key to happiness is not a new car, so don’t pay for it like it is!

What tips do you have for buying a used car? Leave a comment and let me know your best used car buying tip.

I hope you enjoyed this podcast and you learned some valuable information.

Now is the best time to start taking control of your money! I’ll be covering many topics to teach and encourage saving and debt freedom. Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and to my blog at ProsperityRx.com to learn how to save money, make a budget, pay off your debt, reduce your taxes and invest for your future.

Also if you want to learn more about how to create extra income by starting a home business that requires no startup capital, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions visit http://AIMHighForSuccess.com.

Start Today!

8 Excuses Broke People Believe – Post 408

anchorEpisode 1 – 8 Excuses Broke People Believe

What is the difference in being broke or being poor?

It’s two different ways of looking at the same situation, no money.

Poor is an attitude. 

It says you can’t get ahead and you’ll never win with money. Just stay where you are and sulk in your bad luck forever.

Broke on the other hand is something you’re just passing through. 

We’ve all messed up by believing some of the prevailing money myths in our culture. The turning point comes, however, when you’re willing to own up, claw your way out, and never live in the lie again. My goal is to show you how to change your attitude, to change your life and start on the true path toward financial peace and prosperity. To help folks build a life they don’t need a vacation from.

I want to share with you the 8 most common excuses for debt that folks use who are up to their eyeballs in debt and are unwilling to change their situation. Instead of the temporarily broke mentality they have, the dooms day, woe is me, attitude of I’m poor and it’s out of my control. If you find yourself struggling with any of these 8 excuses, my goal is to show you how to change your attitude, to change your life and start on the true path toward financial peace and prosperity.

SO I’m going to start by sharing with you the 8 excuses for debt and then over the next few posts I’m going to break them down a little bit and dive a bit deeper

  1. But . . . I Just Can’t Save Excuses. These include things like
  2. Cars Are the Exception to Debt Excuses. These folks like to say
  3. Family Comes First Excuses. Some of these include
  4. I’ll Do It Later or the I Promise Excuses. Some of these reasons to procrastinate include
  5. Debt’s Not So Bad, Right? Excuses. This group of folks believe
  6. I Earned This Excuses. Some of these selfish reasons include
  7. Poor, Pitiful Me Excuses. These woe is me reasons include
  8. No Worries or I’m Covered Excuses. These folks think

So let’s start today with the But . . . I Just Can’t Save excuses.

Some of the attitudes toward debt and saving that people hold when they belong to the “I Just Can’t Save” group is first of all, procrastination. They say, “I’ll save next year when I’m making more money.” They may hold that attitude of denial, “At my age, it’s too late anyway.” Or the attitude of desperation or whats the use, “Why save money? You can’t take it with you when you die.”

In Dave Ramsey’s book The Total Money Makeover he breaks the path to financial peace down to seven steps, he calls them baby steps, and these steps are designed to give you little wins along the way that help encourage you and to slowly change the attitude from “what’s the point, I cant save anyway” to slowly change it to maybe this will work, maybe I can do it. As you go through those steps and follow the process those little wins strengthen the “I can attitude” little by little.

The very first step to winning with money and getting out of debt is to establish an emergency fund. Without this first step, you won’t accomplish your money goals. The sense of empowerment, the sense of satisfaction that you have once you have that emergency fund is amazing. Especially when that first emergency comes up and you realize, wow, I can actually take care of this. I don’t have to borrow the money from somewhere. I don’t have to juggle the bills. I can actually get my car fixed, or fix the plumbing issue, or whatever the emergency is. It doesn’t bust your budget and you don’t have the anxiety you used to get when something did go wrong.

Saving for that emergency fund also teaches you to make saving a priority, and it gives you the cushion you need to stop using credit and to start paying off debt.

Depending on how much experience you have saving money, saving for an emergency fund could be a piece of cake—or it could feel downright impossible.

So how do you save money fast?

Well first of all you have to work with what you have. You must develop a good budget and cut back on spending. You may think that ‘This will take forever!’ but within a few weeks of staying at home, eating only at home, and sticking to a budget you can be well on your way. You can’t save any money without creating a budget first. Creating a budget tells you exactly where every penny goes. You’ll see how much money you waste every month. You will realize just how much you spend on those Grande lattes, or those convenient fast food lunches, or those big gulp sodas every month. Once you see just how much you are wasting, you’ll get to $1,000 in no time.

Others tricks to get that emergency fund funded that others have done could include some of the following

Stashing away every $5 bill you received or maybe saving all dollar bills and loose change at the end of the day. That might not add up to $1,000 in one month, but it sure can help you get there.

Avoiding dining out is a very good way of cutting back on expenses.

  • Use cash when you purchase things. It really helps you see and feel the money you’re spending.

Bring in More Money

  • Sell stuff. Garage sale, eBay, CraigsList, Facebook Marketplace. Sell “stuff” to make money and get rid of things you don’t need at the same time! If you’re not up for a garage sale, sell some of your old gold or silver jewelry. That can help you easily make hundreds of dollars fast.
  • If your job allows it then working overtime is another great way to bring in extra money. If that isn’t an option, consider using your skills or talents to earn additional cash by finding a part-time job.
  • You can start your own business. For example you can clean someone’s house for an afternoon, walk dogs, or show someone how to use a computer. Teach someone how to cook or teach them how to organize files. Even if it seems like just pennies now, don’t take it for granted.

There are some great income tax savings you can get that will save you money when starting a business in addition to the additional income that it brings in to you. It all adds up! In fact this is one of the methods that I have used to generate more cash and save taxes.

If you need an idea of a business to start, I can show you how you can start a business with no financial investment, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions.

Save Money by Making a Few Phone Calls

  • Make the wise move of cashing out whole life insurance policies and switch to term.Get whatever cash is available from the policies to apply toward your emergency or your debt snowball. Switching to term life insurance will greatly reduce your monthly premium cost so you can then take the money you are saving in monthly premium charges and apply that toward your emergency fund or debt snowball.
  • Additionally, you might be able to save money each month by shopping around for better deals on life, health, home and auto insurance.
  • A lot of people use their income tax refunds to build their emergency funds. That’s a great use of this year’s refund, but if you’re consistently getting large refunds at tax time, you should change your tax withholding so you bring more money home in your weakly paycheck. That way there’s no waiting and no giving the government a free loan!

No matter what methods you use or how much money you can dig up, you won’t hit a savings goal if you don’t picture yourself reaching it. You have to BELIEVE you can save money fast. Acknowledge you have to do it. And then, get to it!

Now is the best time to start taking control of your money! I’ll be covering many topics to teach and encourage saving and debt freedom. Be sure to subscribe to my blog at ProsperityRx.com or to my podcast ProsperityRx to learn how to save money, make a budget, pay off your debt, reduce your taxes and invest for your future.

Also if you want to learn more about how to create extra income by starting a home business that requires no start up capital, no pyramid that requires a monthly auto shipment that cost you money every month instead of creating money, and no selling of lotions, or potions or pills, or quick magic diet aids that melt away inches in minutes or other such scam promotions visit http://AIMHighForSuccess.com.

Start Today!

Seek Clarity – Post 407

Most of us have the desire to either improve or we have a need or challenge in one or more areas in our life. My goal for this blog going forward is to bring valuable information on topics such as time management, money, faith or belief, developing new skills and habits, leadership development, health and wellness, and building better relationships.

Successful people are always the first to act on their desire to continually grow in all areas of their life. So on this blog I’ll be covering topics such as High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard; Goal building, journaling, and time management skills from Jim Rohn; How to achieve Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey; and many, many more topics from folks like Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, Bob Beaudine, Anthony Robbins, Napoleon Hill and many others.

My goal is to empower you to grow and continually transform yourself through personal development. My invitation is for you to get on this personal development road with me and the invitation is extended to everyone, but, few will join me.

Today we will be discussing Seeking Clarity.

Brendon Burchard in his book “High Performance Habits” says that one of the first habits to reach a higher level of performance personally and professionally is to Seek Clarity. To seek clarity on who you want to be, how you want to interact with others, what YOU want, and what will bring you the greatest meaning.

I invite you to take a sneak peek at what is possible when you seek clarity. I want you to think about those rare questions that most people simply don’t ask themselves. What kind of person do I want to be? What are my intentions and objectives? What if I decide to set and reach higher goals? What if I decide to go for my dreams? What if I can change certain unpleasant things about myself? What if I can significantly make a difference in the lives of others? What can I focus on that will bring me a sense of connection and fulfillment?

It’s from these questions that a new life begins to evolve. Satisfaction in life doesn’t come from focusing on what is automatic, easy or natural for us. It is the result of how we strive consciously to meet life’s harder challenges, to grow beyond our comforts and to deliberately understand, love, serve and lead others.

Personal Development opens up a whole new world of potential and possibilities. I believe the first step in personal development is to find clarity in your life so you can develop a roadmap on how to get from here, where you are today, to where you want to be.

I’ve been a pharmacist now for many years and I have been successful at it and I have a lot to be grateful for. I’ve put my kids through private school, I’ve built my dream home, and we’ve taken nice vacations over the years. It’s just that something inside just doesn’t feel right. I have this sense of frustration and a restlessness that even though life has been good there is something more out there. That I haven’t really found my “thing.” When the lights go out, after all these years of pushing hard in pharmacy my internal chatter starts scratching at my reality and I am sure that many of you have asked yourselves these same or similar questions.

Is all of the complexity I’ve created in my life even worth it?

Is this new direction I want to pursue the right direction for my family and me at this stage of our lives?

Things are good, so if I try something new will everyone think I’m crazy? Am I just being stupid or ungrateful?

I’m stretched pretty thin. Can I really give any more right now?

Am I really good enough to play at the next level?

Why am I starting to feel so distracted?

Why do my relationships feel sort of blah?

I’ve had so much success in my life why am I not more confident at this point in my life?

When these questions go unanswered for too long, an unraveing begins. Day-to-day motivation wanes. You begin felling restrained or unfulfilled. Your passion isn’t at the level it used to be but at least everyone at home and at work is fairly happy.

Ultimately the dissatisfaction spreads into relationships at home or work and others begin to notice. The stress of disappointment imparts a hard edge that loved ones begin to feel. Contribution at work falls off. Calls don’t get returned. Excitement, joy, and confidence are gone and with them goes performance.

I have some questions for you to reflect on.

Are you ready, really ready? Are you tired of being where you are and excited to get where you want to be?





Will you make the commitment to read? Thin about one great book you have read and the changes it brought about in your life. Now imagine what this next year is going to do for you!





If personal development is whole life, then which are of your life is in the best shape? Which is the worst? Take some time to think through where you are so you can evaluate where you stand and how you are going to grow in the next year.





How disciplined are you? Is it something you struggle with, or is it a strength?





Which are you more focused on: Intake (learning, gathering information) or output (doing, taking action)? We all have a bias, so to speak. The answer to this will determine how you need to make adjustments over the coming year.






Any or all of these are great ideas to get you moving toward your goal.

  1. Write down three great books you have read and three great books you want to read. Now, buy one – or pull it off the shelf and start. We recommend Jim’s The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle, his The Seasons of Life, and Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich. If you have already read these books or just have something else in mind, that’s fine. Just start the process of reading daily. We recommend reading the Bible or a book that will spiritually enhance your life in the morning and reading what is on your recommended reading list at night.
  2. Take at least one tangible action to make yourself stronger in the following area that you are weakest in: Physical, Spiritual or Mental. For example, if you are weakest in the physical area, then walk a mile three times this week.
  3. Take an area you lack discipline in and set up a pattern for yourself to follow this week and then do it!
  4. Celebrate the fact that you have accepted the invitation to go on the journey of self-growth and personal development. Regardless of the challenges you may be facing, today is a new day, the beginning of infinite possibilities. As Jim said, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction.” Congratulations on taking that step.

Conversation Controlling Power Phrases – Post 406

Have you ever had the problem of how to transition a conversation in a way that you get permission to talk about what you can do to help?

When you are having a conversation with someone and you have uncovered a problem there is an easy way to transition to your solution. Here are a couple of quick phrases that you can use that allows you to get their permission and then to prepare the individual to mentally say “yes I want to hear what you have to say.”

Here is the first approach, they are talking about their problem and you are listening to them, here is what you say,

  • “I was thinking about what you were saying just a few minutes ago about your problem with……. It occurred to me that there might be a way to turn that around if you were interested in resolving it.”

Think about the power of that simple statement. You can reference any conversation whether it was today, last week, on Facebook, in an e-mail, wherever they made the statement, by using this simple phrase. No matter what the problem, health, energy, bills, etc. this phrase is powerful.

I was thinking about what you said last week about ……….. It occurred to me that there might be a way to turn that around if you were interested in resolving it.

Do you realize the power in that phrase, if you were interested in resolving it? What are they going to say, “No I like misery” or “no I like being broke.” There is no way that you are not going to get a positive answer from them.

It occurred to me that there might be a way to turn that around if you were interested in resolving…

What if they did respond with some negative response? “I’ve lived with it for so long I know there is no way to fix it.”

You respond with the magic word, WHY.

Why do you feel that way or why have you given up, or if there was something out there that might help you whywouldn’t you want to know how …?

Once they respond indicating that they want to hear what you say then you can proceed.

Another version that can be used in place of “It occurred to me” would be, “is this something you want to resolve or is this something  you are prepared to live with it.”

Try these phrases in your conversations and let me know what happened.

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Earn Cash!


Hearing “No” Can Take Your Business to the Next Level! – Post 405

By Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

What if, starting today, the word “no” didn’t stop you?

What if every time you heard the word no, you became stronger, more powerful, and more resilient?

What if the greatest success strategy in the world was not to go for yes, but to go for no?

For people who are discouraged by the failure and rejection that can come with building their business, here is a concept that can inspire them in a totally new way. It is true: the word no doesn’t have to hinder you. In fact, it can empower you to achieve a whole new level of greatness you never dreamed possible.

In order to tap into the “power of no” the first thing you must do is Change your mental model of “success” and “failure.”

Most people operate with the following mental model:


They see themselves in the middle, with success on one end and failure on the other. They do everything they can to move toward success and away from failure. This is a recipe for average performance! But what if you reconfigured that model?


Instead of viewing failure as something to be avoided, turn it into a “stepping-stone” on the path to success and gratification. In other words: Success (yes) is the destination. Failure (no) is how you get there.

To achieve significant success in today’s world. Failure is not just a possibility, it’s a requirement. Look at the most successful business owners and what you will find behind their success is a person who went through failure (sometimes a lot of it!) along the journey.

Once you have changed your “mental model” you can move to the next important step in harnessing the power of no.

Stop Tolerating No and Start Embracing It!

Admittedly, this could be a little challenging at first. But, the question you need to ask is, when you hear no, what does that mean to you? How do you respond to it both internally, in your mind…and externally, in your actions?

This is important because it is this and this alone that ultimately spells the difference between long term success and failure for millions of people all over th planet. Not age. Not gender. Not training. Not skill. Not the product or service being offered. Not the economy. Nothing but this! Stop Tolerating No and Start Embracing It!

We are not suggesting that you simply tolerate failure, fighting your way through hearing no. We are suggesting that you embrace it. Like it. Learn to love it.

Are we saying that you must love “no” or you won’t succeed!

It is true that there are some people who never become comfortable with failure and rejection, yet are highly successful. These people keep “failing forward” in spite of their feelings.

If the same person could learn to do more than “tolerate” failure and rejection…and, perhaps, one day even learn to enjoy being rejected and hearing no, then the journey itself could also be rewarding, not just the destination.

So here’s an exercise for you to do right away. Starting tomorrow, every time someone tells you no, immediately say to yourself, “Great! I’m one step closer to yes.”

At first it’s going to feel really strange! And you’ll feel like you’re lying to yourself; but you’ll eventually find that hearing no will…in fact…start to be fun!

How High Is Your No-Quotient?

As you already know, I.Q. stands for Intelligence Quotient, and there’s nothing wrong with having a high IQ. But the number that really matters in life is your NQ, your No-Quotient-the number of times you are willing to hear no before succeeding…the number of times you are willing to get knocked down and then get back up, knowing full well that you are almost certain to get knocked back down again. That’s perhaps the most important number that determines greatness in today’s world.

When you peel away the outer layer – the glitz and glamour of what is seen on the surface – you will discover stories of what we might call “successful failures.”

Most professional who have achieved massive success are, in fact, “successful failures” living this philosophy every day as they build their business.

How would you like to be that next “successful failure?”

To learn more about Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz best selling book “Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There” click the “Amazon” link below.

Your Mind is Like a Garden – Post 404

If you have been following this blog for any time you know that I write frequently about the power the mind has over our destiny. I truly believe that what we think about most is what manifest in our life. James Allen in his book “As a Man Thinketh” discusses how our mind is like a garden and whatever we allow to take root in our mind affects the outcome of our future.

He says, “Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits, which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life. He also reveals, within himself, the laws of thought, and understands, with ever-increasing accuracy, how the thought-forces and mind-elements operate in the shaping of his character, circumstances, and destiny.”

You can control your own destiny by controlling what goes into your mind. All  of the books you read, the thoughts you think, the TV you watch, the conversations you participate in, the people you associate with, and the music you listen to, these all combine to create your future.

What are you doing to sow the seeds for the life you want five years from now? Ten years from now?

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