Success is About Self Education – Post 382

We’re taught all of our life to go to school, get a good education, go to work for a good company. The reality is that that’s not how you create wealth.


It’s about self education.

Jim Rohn once said, “Formal education will make you a living. If you become self educated you can create a fortune.”

Over the years I have attend a lot of different seminars. I’ve met a lot different people that have done extremely well and have become financially independent in different niches in all types of different markets and the only thing they have in common is that they became personally educated and not just formally educated.

Over the past year I’ve met more than a dozen people that we’re all making over $1,000,000 and I was just trying to define, what’s the common denominator? 

Here’s what I think the number one thing in common was. The people that made it had reasons for making it. Strong driving reasons. But the other thing that I found just as fascinating was that of the ones that had a college degree, none of them were making their fortune in the field that they had studied in college.

Whether they went to school or not, every one of them realized that you have to do something different. You have to pay a price maybe, that society doesn’t tell you that you have to pay. 

There’s a lot of people that go to school, get a good education, go to work for a good company and they have this attitude of entitlement. “I did what society told me to do now I’m entitled to make a good living and where’s my money?” 

That was me. I worked my tale of to put myself through college to become a pharmacist. That was my attitude afterward. It wasn’t until I lost it and was not able to find permanent employment for two years that I realized that success, financial freedom, was up to me and not to my job or my degree.

I’ve heard it said that all the “A” student’s end up working for the “C” students and it’s really true. Over my lifetime the people who have had the most success hired people to work for them that were all sharper than they were. The people that they hired all had skill sets that they didn’t have themselves. They hired a lot of people, highly intelligent people to work for them. Really highly intelligent people that were “A” student’s who ended up working for them.

During the world war, a Chicago newspaper published certain editorials in which, among other statements, said Henry Ford was “an ignorant pacifist.” Mr. Ford objected to the statements, and sued the paper for libeling him. When the suit was tried in the Courts, the attorneys for the paper placed Mr. Ford, himself, on the witness stand so he could prove to the jury that he was ignorant. The attorneys asked Mr. Ford many questions, all of them intended to prove, by Mr Ford’s own words, that, while he might have considerable specialized knowledge relating to manufacturing automobiles, overall he was ignorant.

He was asked questions like, “Who was Benedict Arnold?” and “How many soldiers did the British send over to America to put down the Rebellion of 1776?” 

In answer to the last question, Mr. Ford replied, “I do not know the exact number of soldiers the British sent over, but I have heard that it was a considerably larger number than ever went back to England.”

Finally, Mr. Ford got tired of the questions, and in reply to a particularly offensive question, he leaned over, pointed his finger at the lawyer who had asked the question, and said, “If I should really WANT to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer ANY question I desire. Now, will you kindly tell me, WHY I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”

There’s a lot of good logic in that reply.

That answer floored the lawyer. Every person in the courtroom realized it was not the answer of an ignorant man. Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action. 

Through the assistance of his “Master Mind” group, Henry Ford had at his command, all the specialized knowledge he needed to enable him to become one of the wealthiest men in America. It was not essential that he had this knowledge in his own mind. 

I don’t care what society has told you. Formal education makes you a living. If you become self educated in the right industry at the right time you can create a fortune. 

You can create a fortune here and it’s not difficult. Just do simple things over and over and over and over and teach others to do the same.

I ask you, “do you want to fail or do you want to succeed?” 

6 Steps to Turn Dreams to Reality – Post 378

When the movie “The Secret” first came out many people that watched were under the impression that to achieve whatever one wanted in life all one had to do was want it and success would come. Quickly, however, they learned that it doesn’t quite work that way. Yes, putting the thought out into the universe is the first step but one must also take actions toward achieving what one desires. We all know that wishing for financial success does not create success. If it did the world would be full of millionaires after all how many times have we purchased a lottery ticket then dreamed about what we would do if we won?

Wishing will not bring financial security or success in any endever. But desire with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to achieve then backing those plans with persistence does not recognize failure.

I want to share with you six steps where if you truly desire financial security or any other type of success so much that your desire becomes an obsession, you will have no difficulty convincing yourself that you will acquire it. A mental consciousness that the mind has become so thoroughly saturated with the desire that desire that you can see yourself already in possession of it. These steps are not only essential for achieving financial security but are necessary for the achievement of any definite goal.

The successful application of these six steps do call for sufficient imagination so you can see and understand that success cannot be left to chance, good fortune, and luck. Everyone that has had success in life first did a certain amount of dreaming, hoping, wishing, desiring and planning before success came to them.

Every great leader from the dawn of civilization to the present day was a dreamer. If success was not first in your imagination it will never be manifest in your life.

Folks, before I share these six steps I just want to say that never before in the history of America has there been so great an opportunity for practical dreamers as exists right now. The six or so years of economic downturn that we have experienced has reduced everyone to essentially to the same level and a new race is about to be run. The stakes represent huge fortunes which will be accumulated in the next ten years. The rules of the race have changed because we now live in a world that has changed and favors the masses. Those who had little or no opportunity to win under the conditions that existed in the past where fear paralyzed growth and development. Where jobs vanished, where real-estate lost massive value and savings where wiped out for survival.

Those of us in this race are encouraged to know that this changed world is demanding new ideas, new ways of doing things, new leaders, new inventions, new methods of teaching, new methods of marketing, new ideas for moving forward. At the forefront of all this demand for new and better things, there is one quality which you must possess to win the race. That is a definiteness of purpose. The knowledge of what wants to achieve and the burning desire to achieve it.

This economic downturn marked the death of one age and the birth of another. It requires practical dreamers who can and will put their dreams in action. Those dreamers have and always will be the ones the lead us to new frontiers that we never imagined could exist under the old age.

Just think of the real leaders of the world in the past. They harnessed and put into practical use the intangible unseen forces of the unborn opportunities of their dreams and converted those forces into sky-scrapers, cities, factories, automobiles, technologies of every form that makes life more pleasant for us today.

Open mindedness is a necessity today. If you are afraid of new ideas then you are doomed before you start. Never has there been a time more favorable for pioneers than now.

In your quest to achieve success don’t let anyone stifle your dreams. To win big in this new world you have to catch the spirit of the pioneers that built this country. Their dreams have given us everything of value to us today. Their dreams are now the lifeblood of our country and now give us the opportunity to develop and market our talents and abilities.

Columbus dreamed of a new world and staked his life on it.

Henry Ford dreamed of a horseless carriage and went to work with the tools and abilities that he possessed and has now put more vehicles into operation than any man who had ever lived. Because he was not afraid to back his dreams.

Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated on electricity. He put his dreams into action and even though he failed 10,000 times he stuck with his dreams until he achieved success.

I want you to really think about Marconi. Marconi dreamed of a way to use the intangible forces of the ether. The evidence of his success can be found in every wireless device today. His friends had him arrested and taken to a mental hospital when he told them that he had discovered a way to send messages through the air without using wires like the telegraph used or without any other direct physical means of communication. We couldn’t function today had it not been for his dreams.

“The greatest achievement was, at first, and for a time, but a dream.”

So what are the six steps that I mentioned before that can transmute your desire for financial security into it’s physical equivalent? Like I mentioned these steps can be used for whatever goals you want to achieve but I’m going to put them into terms regarding financial security.

Step 1: You have to fix into your mind the exact amount of money you desire for financial success. It’s not good enough to just say “I want financial success.” You  must be definite about the amount you desire.

Step 2: Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. This is where the law of attraction failed people that saw the movie the Secret. There is no such thing as something for nothing.

Step 3: Establish a definite date when you expect to possess the money you desire for financial security.

Step 4: Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready to put the plan into action or not.

Step 5: Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you desire to acquire, name the time limit for acquiring it, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan you will use to accumulate it.

Step 6: Read your written statement out loud twice each day. Once before you go to bed at night and once when you first wake up in the morning. As you read it, see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.

It is important that you follow these steps exactly. It is especially important that you observe the last step. You might complain that you can’t see yourself actually in possession of the money before you actually have it. If you truly DESIRE it so much that you desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty convincing yourself that you will have it.

You dreamers of the world, it’s time to wake up and assert yourself. The economic downturn has brought the  opportunity you have been waiting for. It has taught people humility and open-mindedness. The world is filled with abundance of opportunities that the dreamers of the past never knew.

A burning desire to be, and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must begin. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness or lack of ambition.

You have been disappointed and have undergone defeat during the economic downturn. You have felt the great heart within you crushed until it bled. Remember that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start and pass through many heartbreaking strategies before they “arrive.” The turning point of those who succeed come at the moment of some crisis through which they are introduced to their other selves.

Remember, Thomas Edison was a telegraph operator that failed many times before being driven to success. Charles Dickens pasted labels on pots. Helen Keller was deaf, mute, and blind. Booker T Washington was born in slavery.

Kindle in your mind the fire of hope, faith, and courage. If you have these states of mind and you apply the six steps I described then everything that you need will come to you when you are ready for it. There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. You are not ready for anything until you believe you can acquire it. No more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty.


7 Habits of Highly Confident People – Post 375

7 Habits of Highly Confident People

If you were to pick seven habits all highly confident people
have, which habits would you choose?

Confidence is an outcome of developing many different habits. Here are seven essential habits you need to develop in yourself in order to become a highly confident and successful person.

1. Acting As If

Brian Tracy once said that “confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have”. Even though acting as a confident person when you’re shy won’t make you a confident person overnight, it will help you develop an appearance of a confident person which will attract confident people to you.

Here are a few small habits which will make you appear as a person who has the confidence you desire to have:

  • have the right body language (AVOID: crossed arms, sitting in the back of the room, taking as little space as you can, staring at the floor)
  • don’t be hesitant – if you want to do something, do it without hesitation. There is nothing which reveals your low self-confidence more than acting as if you aren’t sure what to do
  • imitate successful and confident people – find a “self-confidence role model” (it can be an actor, businessman, scientist, thought leader etc.) and imitate him or her. Keep in mind that it isn’t about being a fake – simply imitate things which are in harmony with your nature and which make you appear more confident.

2. Unwavering Decision

Every decision a highly confident person makes is an unwavering decision. There is no “IF”, there is only “WHEN” and “HOW”. Since we make decisions every day, it’s one of the most important habits of highly confident people. If you want to achieve something, you have to commit yourself to it. It’s a basic principle of all confident and successful people. Make things happen. No backing off, no giving up!

3. Showing Up

Woody Allen, one of the most successful actors and directors, once said that 80 percent of life is showing up. He explains it further in his interview for the Collider (2008):

“People used to always say to me that they wanted to write a play, they wanted to write a movie, they wanted to write a novel, and the couple of people that did it were 80 percent of the way to having something happen. All the other people struck out without ever getting that pack. They couldn’t do it, that’s why they don’t accomplish a thing, they don’t do the thing, so once you do it, if you actually write your film script, or write your novel, you are more than half way towards something good happening. So that I was say my biggest life lesson that has worked. All others have failed me.”

Learn from Woody Allen’s biggest life lesson: stop talking about things that you want to do and start doing these things. There is no self-confidence (and no success) without showing up.

4. Spending Time with the Right People

Have you ever noticed that rich people and poor people usually don’t hang together? It isn’t because the rich don’t want to do anything with the poor because they’re poor – it’s because poor people exhibit kind of behavior and mentality which the rich don’t relate to.

Can you blame successful people because they don’t want to spend time with people who have completely different views on life?

It’s the same with self-confidence. In school, popular confident kids usually stick together and shy kids are outside of their social circle. Later in life, most people who were shy in school still don’t interact with confident people. As a result, they remain shy for the rest of their lives.

If you want to evolve, your social circle has to evolve with you. Confident people know that if you keep spending time with people who are more confident than you, you’re going to become more confident as well. If you keep spending time with people who are shy, sooner or later they’ll keep you down. Choose the right people to spend your time with.

5. Never-Ending Self-Improvement

Self-confidence and self-improvement go together. Highly confident people became and will remain confident because they decided to start a never-ending self-improvement journey. Learning something new every single day is one of the most crucial habits all confident and successful people have.

When was the last time you learned something new? When was the last time you learned something new which you can use to become a more confident person? Here are a few things which you can learn to help you become a more confident person:

  • improve your conversation and public speaking skills (join a local Toastmasters group)
  • read spiritual books which will help you learn to live in the present and stop caring about opinions of other people
  • improve the quality of your voice
  • start working out and improve your physique (learn how to do the most important core exercises correctly)
  • learn how to eat healthy (read a few books, learn recipes)

6. Taking Responsibility for Everything

Highly confident people never blame anyone for their own mistakes. Every successful person will agree that if you want to learn how to believe in yourself, you have to realize that you are responsible for both your successes and your failures.

If you were looking for one of the most important mindsets you need to develop in yourself in order to take charge of your life and become a confident successful person, here it is:

“Everything that happens to me – good and bad – is my personal responsibility. I blame no one but myself. These are the choices I’ve made – this is the life I’m living. I will accept the consequences of my actions.” – Craig Ballantyne

7. Being True to Your Word

Confident people are people on whom you can depend. You can’t become a leader if you don’t deliver on your promises.

People who believe in themselves are the same people other people believe in. However, first you have to learn how to be true to your word to yourself (by setting goals and not backing off as explained before) and later you’ll earn the trust of other people. As most people know, trust is the most important part of doing business.

Imagine that you’re an investor. Would you trust an entrepreneur who would say that he’s going to provide you with a business report within 48 hours and then who wouldn’t deliver on his promise? Exactly. Being true to your word is an essential habit of all confident people who want to achieve success – whether in business, relationships or life in general.

What are you waiting for? Time to get to work on your habits!

Keys To Building Solid Relationships – Post 373

Keys To Building Solid Relationships

People like to do business with people they know and trust. This is why building solid relationships is so important. Relationship-building can take many forms but some elements are essential to all. Let’s take a moment to review some of these essentials that will help you nurture and grow solid relationships within your organization.

Your 30-Second Introduction

Have you upgraded your 30-second introduction lately? If you haven’t revised it in the last twelve months, it’s probably stale. A new introduction can spark energy and enthusiasm—in yourself as well as others. Consider infusing powerful action words like “create,” “design,” “organize,” “generate,” “solve,” and “produce”. Deliver it in front of a mirror or camcorder and see what others see.

A Two-Way Street. What’s in it for them? We often think of what we want to get from relationships. Flip this over and consider what you’re willing to give to your down-line. Do you have knowledge or techniques that will help your down-line be successful? Keep in mind that building relationships is a two-way street, so to speak, that begins with you. Approaching relationships in a giving, proactive mode is an excellent beginning.
Follow up, Follow up, Follow up

The simple act of following up with your customers or business builders will make you stand out with them. To follow-up impactfully, always remember to create a contact management list first. You may start to see growth as you demonstrate an interest in relationship building with your down-line members, and additional growth as they, in turn, start to do the same.

Time and Patience

You might want to think of building business relationships the same way as you would grow a garden. Gardening requires nurturing, resources (water, Bloomin’ Minerals™, sunlight, etc.), and patience. But the results (a bountiful harvest) are worth it. Similarly, developing healthy, productive relationships also requires nurturing (followup) resources (sharing of knowledge) and patience. And the results are definitely worth it!

Vanessa Hunter
Vice President of Marketing
AL International

Daily Action Steps for Success – Post 372

Daily Action Steps for Success

  • Write out a few excuses you might be clinging to (e.g., not smart enough, no experience, wrong upbringing, don’t have the education, etc). Decide to make up in hard work and personal development to outcompete anyone — including your old self.
  • Write out the half-dozen small, seemingly inconsequential steps you can take every day that can take your life in a completely new and positive direction.
  • Write down the small, seemingly inconsequential actions you can stop doing that might be compounding your results downward.
  • List a few areas, skills, or outcomes where you have been most successful in the past. Consider whether you could be taking those for granted and are not continuing to improve, and are therefore in jeopardy of having that complacency lead to future failure.

Darren Hardy – the Compound Effect

3 Keys to Greatness – Post 371

Three Keys to Greatness by Jim Rohn

Eight years ago I went into the studio and recorded a 56-minute video for teenagers called “Three Keys to Greatness.” Although my focus was for teenagers, the principles I shared certainly apply to adults as well.
Recently I was asked to list these three keys using a couple sentences for each. Now for your benefit here they are again.
  1. Setting Goals. I call it the view of the future. Most people, including kids, will pay the price if they can see the promise of the future. So we need to help our kids see a well-defined future, so they will be motivated to pay the price today to attain the rewards of tomorrow. Goals help them do this. 
  2. Personal Development. Simply making consistent investments in our self-education and knowledge banks pays major dividends throughout our lives. I suggest having a minimum amount of time set aside for reading books, listening to audiocassettes, attending seminars, keeping a journal and spending time with other successful people. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones says you will be in five years the sum total of the books you read and the people you are around. 
  3. Financial Planning. I call it the 70/30 plan. After receiving your paycheck or paying yourself, set aside 10 percent for saving, 10 percent for investing and 10 percent for giving, and over time this will guarantee financial independence for a teenager.
If a young person, or for that matter an adult, focused on doing these three simple things over a long period of time I believe they will be assured success!
—Jim Rohn

Follow Up – A Key to Your Success – Post 370

Follow Up – A successful first contact, whether in the traditional one-on-one approach (offline) or the one-on-many (online) approach is wasted if you fail to take an important step:

Follow Up.

Sending emails or packages through the mail usually doesn’t get the message across strong enough to your prospects. To achieve any level of success, you have to go the extra mile by making the follow up calls or by picking them up and driving them to a live event.

When following up , you should keep things simple. Answer objections in a calm, confident and professional manner and ALWAYS point to a 3rd party resource tool to get their questions answered. Remember, if your lips are moving, you should be pointing your prospect to a 3rd party tool. This will show them how simple and easy this business is to do, and that they don’t have to be an EXPERT to do this.

And, just because someone says NO to you once, doesn’t mean they’re not interested in you ever contacting them again. Successful people don’t give up that easily.

As always, follow up with a passionate, excited and caring process. This will help you to add new brand partners to your already successful team much easier.

Remember, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”
John C. Maxwell

Failure is HARD! – Post 369

Today’s quote comes from Theodore Roosevelt.

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried in the first place.” Theodore Roosevelt.

Failing is very difficult. It is psychologically painful. It’s something none of us like to face. I want you to think about Pete Rose. He was one of the greatest baseball players when I was a kid. He won 3 World Series rings, 3 batting titles, one Most Valuable Player, Two Gold Gloves and the Rookie of the year. Not only that, he made 17 All-Star appearances at 5 different positions. He is the all-time Major-League leader in hits with 4256 hits.

Did Pete have any failures? Yes. He struck out 10,328 times. That means approx. 6 out of 10 at bats he failed. Had Pete never tried he would have never had that success. Yes failure is hard but it is much better to at least try because eventually success will come your way.

As the late Jim Rohn always said, “REMEMBER THE SAME WIND BLOWS ON ALL OF US. ITS THE SET OF YOUR SAIL THAT DECIDES YOUR COURSE!!” Set your sail for success today by learning the skills for success. If you would like to learn more about the course I am taking in my life be sure to visit . If you find value in these posts be sure to subscribe to this blog and share these posts with your team.

Overcoming Fear – Post 368

Zig Ziglar on Overcoming Fear

Fear has been correctly identified with the acrostic False Evidence Appearing Real.

The truth is that if we think something is to be feared, that perception becomes the cruelest form of reality.

A second-grade boy was overheard saying, “It’s easy to be brave when you’re not scared.” By the same token, it’s easy to talk about how to overcome fear when you have little to be afraid of. Fear is certainly real for most people and all of us face a fear of something – poverty, divorce, rejection, death, failure, speaking in public, being laughed at, etc.

How do we overcome fear? First we must learn to examine our fears. Example: Giving a speech, which is the number one fear in our country, according to Reader’s Digest. (It’s also a tremendous confidence-builder.) If that’s your fear, ask yourself a few questions. “Why am I afraid to make a speech? Is it because I’m afraid of being rejected? Then why do I think I’ll be rejected?

Do I believe what I’m about to say?

Is my speech worth giving?

Am I proud of the comments I’m about to make?” As you ask yourself these questions, the fear will begin to subside. It subsides because you have explored your subconscious mind with your questions and flushed out some of your fears.

My research indicates that only three people have died while making a speech. Since twelve billion people have lived and only three of them died making a speech, I’d say it’s a fairly safe thing to do.

If you’re a little nervous, consider this: You could lead a mule into a crowded room and he would be so calm that he would almost go to sleep standing up. A thoroughbred in the same situation would be as nervous as a cat.

If you’re a little nervous, just be grateful you’re a thoroughbred – not a mule. So face those inner feelings, stand up and speak up with confidence. When you do, I’ll see you at the top!

Zig Ziglar is a teacher and motivator. He offers a newsletter filled with more of his inspiring stories as well as practical ideas to help you in the areas of sales, marketing, customer service, and related topics. You can visit him at

6 Millennial traits I wish I had at their age – Post 367

The employment landscape has changed dramatically over the years. In fact I am a little bit jealous of this millennial generation because they have a realization that if they want to be successful they must do it themselves. That they must have an entrepreneurial spirit and not be so dependent on big companies to provide for their future. They have the attitude, when looking at potential employers, they have the attitude of what can you do to progress my career.

Looking back that is something I wish I had when I was their age.

When I was young I was taught to go to school, get good grades, get a job at a major corporation then work my way up the ladder of success within that company one day retiring.  I bought in to it whole heartedly but things have changed drastically since then.

I had the good fortune of going to work for a fortune 50 company right out of high school. At the time I was making more money than many of my friends that went to college and where now managing fast food restaurants. I had my career all mapped out.

My goal was to get into midlevel management so. I gradually bid my way up to better paying jobs within the company. I also started going to college to make myself more marketable to the company. Not once did I entertain the thought of leaving. My plan was to put my 30 -35 years in then retire and start doing something else that I enjoyed doing while collecting my retirement benefits.

Needless to say, that plan never worked out. Several years later the company went through some government mandated restructuring and in that process I lost that job. It was devastating to my psyche. I went through a period of 3 to 4 years trying to find something else to do. Finally I decided to do what I had always been taught. Go to school, get good grades then find a job at a major company then work there until I retire.

So I went back to college, graduated with a professional degree and began the climb in corporate America once again. I worked hard, working long hours and volunteering to work extra. I volunteered to take on extra projects that would financially benefit my employer. What did that get me?

Sixteen years later, once again I found myself without a job not knowing what to do. Corporate America failed me again.

This time I was bound and determined to not rely on corporate America. This time I decided I was going to map out my future; to have an attitude, when looking at potential opportunities, to have the attitude of what can this opportunity provide me to progress my career.

Starting in 2007 after reading the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” I realized that everything that I had learned about success and job security was false. That book started me on a 5 year journey that has changed the way I look at everything in my life. I decided that if I wanted things to change in my life instead of learning how to be a better pharmacist, or better salesman or better whatever; instead of going out and getting more degrees or certifications, I needed to learn to do the things that the most successful people in America had done.

What is amazing to me is I see these same traits in many people from the millennial generation. I don’t know if it is because they have seen what their parents and grandparents have gone through with their corporate America jobs or if it is a product of the tough economy that they have grown up in but these are some of the traits that I wish that I had had when I was their age. I can’t imagine what life would be like today if I had just a fraction of the entrepreneurial spirit that I see in many of these folks.

  1. Entrepreneurial Spirit. The guys and gals in the millennial generation are college educated. Their parents have told them they must get an education but they know from older siblings or friends that the college degree doesn’t guarantee anything except debt. They grew up hearing all the success stories around Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft founders. They want to have a better understanding for the impact that their own work has on the overall company so they can share that with their friends. They want to feel that the work that they do is important and that one day they can take the experiences that they are gaining so they can start and run successful businesses themselves.
  2. They don’t want to feel like they are just a number in a large corporation; they want to feel like they are a part of something bigger. They don’t want their contribution and their opinions to be lost in the crowd.
  3. Results Oriented. No matter what they did or how they performed, they grew up with parents that always told them how great they were. I don’t believe they want to be told how great they are, I believe they want to see the results of their work. They want to know that what they do really matters and they want frequent feedback about how they are progressing.
  4. Socially Connected. They know how to use the most advanced technology tolls and they are very socially connected. They are more likely to share over social media and being able to socialize whether online or off is important to them. Feeling like they are a part of a family is important. 56% won’t accept employment that bans social media use.
  5. Flexible Work Schedule. Unlike those of us in the previous generations the millennial don’t feel the need to relocate to where their job is. Again they are tech savvy and know that they can use that technology to be able to work from anywhere. According to the recent PwC Next Gen: A Global Generational Study, 66% expect to be able to work flexible hours either from home or from the office.
  6. Greater Good. In my generation we were driven by pay and promotions. We knew that to make more money we had to focus on what we could do to make the company a better company. The millennial generation takes a broader world view. They are passionate about finding ways that they can contribute to the world. They want to feel that what they do is making a difference in the lives of others.

Fortunately for me it is never too late. You are never too young or too old to take charge of your future. These 6 traits are exactly what I found when I decided to become a part of a team of independent business associates. We are a group of individuals from all walks of life that are dedicated to helping people improve their health and their financial well-being. My wish for you is that if what I have written here resonates with you that you take an honest, open minded look at what we are doing. I think that once you do you will see the possibilities that I have seen and you decide to also become an independent business associate so we can all work together to help others realize their desire to become healthier and have financial piece of mind.   To learn more visit