Financial Slavery – Post 356

This story sound familiar: Dad comes home, slams the door, shouts at the dog, kicks the cat, and almost kills the canary. The children hide under the bed, while his wife carefully placed a bowl of soup on the table.

“It looks like Dad had a bad day,” whispered one of the little brothers hiding outside the line of fire.

Lately, it seemed that every day was bad for Dad.

Dad was experiencing the stress of living in financial slavery.

It wasn’t that dad was poor or didn’t earn enough money.

Financial slavery occurs when money and finances occupy the priority place in our lives.

Financial slavery occurs when what we owe dictates the lives we live.

Financial slavery occurs when what we owe dictates the jobs we hold.

Do you find yourself with:

  • Excessive Concern about Finances
    People in financial slavery are under such economic stress that they can’t get their finances out of their heads. At home, they worry about finances; at work, they think about their bills; driving the car, they calculate their bank account; eating dinner, they plan how they will make their payments. It makes them a giant bag of nerves.
  • Anger, Wrath, and Bad MoodsWith financial pressure bothering them all time, they’re often in a bad mood. They shout, they’re nervous, they get angry for no reason, and people generally prefer to avoid them.

Is this you?

Did you know the system is set up to keep you in fincial slavery?

The deck is stacked against you, but the good news is
You Don’t Have to Play Their Games,
there is a better way.

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