Week 12 – A Fast Food Type Experience – NOT – Post 314

Here we are in week 12 of the Master Key Master Mind program and it just seems things are happening so fast. It’s a bit overwhelming. At times I find myself getting impatient with the entire process. I just want the changes to happen.

We live in a time when everyone wants everything fast. We want our food now. If we want to learn something new we expect the internet to give us the answers now. We want that magic pill to help us lose weight now. We want a way to get rich quick. We go to seminars to get motivated only to be right back where we were within a few days. We don’t really want to take the time to actually learn what is needed. We don’t want to do the things that are necessary to get from here to there.

I’m a pharmacist. It took 5 years of college to gain the knowledge necessary to become skilled enough to become licensed. A medical doctor takes eight or more. CPA’s take at least four years. Master plumbers and carpenters go through extensive apprenticeships to become skilled experts in their fields as well.

I realize it is going to take time to make lasting changes in my life. After all it took me fifty plus years to get where I am today. Yes, I have a lot of reprogramming to do, especially from everything that happened these past few years but a twenty six week course is not really that long in the greater scheme of things.

I want to share with you a short video from Tony Robbins that I found actually encouraged me somewhat about this process. Yes, this video is an advertisement for his coaching but it really did help me put another perspective on what we are doing. With the repetitive way we are learning and the hands on tools, the group experience we are gaining from our peer’s blog posts and alliances, and the personal coaching from our certified guides this has truly been a total immersion.


5 thoughts on “Week 12 – A Fast Food Type Experience – NOT – Post 314

  1. I grew up in the 50’s it was a slower time and more enjoyable time. We live in a time when everyone wants everything fast and that is sad. Slow down and smell the roses.


  2. I’ve been in that type of thinking as well : wanted to have results fast. Today, I’m happy to pay the price for changes. One thing I have to do more : measuring my results. Thanks for this post !


  3. Fast food, fast money, fast success…. And then we realize we need a new blueprint, and it will take time… Not just a bulk of time at the beginning and your done… But consistent persistent time daily over the course of 6 months to get the tools to be able to create our dream life. Immersion training. Yup, that’s our journey. Thanks for the post.


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